Title: Leishmania — Leishmaniasis
Introduction: Leishmania is the protozoan parasite
that is responsible for the disease Leishmaniasis. There are around 20 different species of Leishmania. It is a vector borne disease transmitted to humans and
other vertebrates by sand flies.
Symptoms of the disease range from confined skin ulcers (cutaneous
Leishmaniasis) to potentially lethal systemic infection (visceral
Leishmaniasis is most common in Mexico, Central America, South America
(excluding Uraguay and Chile), most parts of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and
Southern Europe. Many different
sand fly vectors have adapted to different climates and environments and have
the potential to continue to adapt and extend their georgraphic range. 1

Symbiont Description: Leishmania
is the genus name of the protozoan parasite. There are over 20 different
species of Leishmania that live in
various subtropical/tropical regions of the world.
Host Description: In the first stage of life, sandflies
serve as the host for leishmania.
The second stage of life occurs when a sandfly bites a vertebrate for a
blood snack. Common vertebrates
that leishmania live in include humans, dogs, and other mammals.
Life Cycle: There
are two distinct stages during the lifecycle of Leishmania. First, a
sand fly infected with the parasite bites a human and injects the parasite
(which is in the Promastigote stage) into the skin. The Promastigote is phagocytized by macrophages, which
transform the Promastigote into Amastigotes. The Amastigotes multiply in various tissues throughout
the body. A sand fly bites an
infected individual and the Amastigotes turns into the Promastigote stage when
it reaches the midgut of the fly.
The Amastigotes multiplies throughout the sand fly and the cycle starts
all over again.1
Ecology: Leishmaniasis occurs in two different
forms, cutaneous and visceral.
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is much more common and is characterized by skin
ulcers. Visceral Leishmaniasis is
a lot more serious including extreme weight loss, inflammation of the liver and
spleen and reduced red blood cell count which can ultimately lead to
death. 90% of VL occurs in India,
Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan, Etiopia, and Brazil1. 90% of CL occurs in Afghanistan, Algeria,
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Bolivia1. The disease does not spread
epidemically unless humans are involved.
An Example of Vector
Born Transmission: Vector Born
transmission occurs when the vector spreads the disease. The most common vectors that spread
diseases are arthropods, which account for 85% of all known animal species3. The arthropods spread the disease by
either biting or stinging. In the
case of Leishmaniasis, the sand fly is the vector. It bites various vertebrates and injects the Leishmaniasis
into the skin.
1. 1. http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/leishmaniasis/biology.html
2. 2. http://www.iayork.com/Images/2008/7-27-08/070617_leishmania_300.jpg
3. 3. http://www.enotes.com/vector-borne-diseases-reference/vector-borne-diseases
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